Sunday, September 26, 2010

Importance of Sex

The physical aspect of a relationship is just as important as the emotional aspect. In order to become intimate with your loved one, affection is a must. It is important not to come on too strong or to pressure her otherwise you risk looking like a sleaze or an insensitive jerk. With the right selection of words and actions, you will find that your partner is just as responsive to your desires and it will turn into a mutual affair. A lot of couples seem to put more importance on the sex rather than building a foundation for the relationship. This ends up in break ups and divorces as people are not able to connect at a higher level and find that their relationship was mainly based on the sex. However, if time is taken to get to know each other well enough, then sex can be very healthy for the couple as it brings lovers closer, releasing the hormone oxytocin a.k.a “the love hormone” allowing people to bond and build trust.

A friend of mine used a pretty cool analogy to describe sex:

Sex is like poetry, for poetry can be harsh, short and straight to the point or long winding and elegant, with the meaning drawn out along a series of notions. Sex can be quick to fulfill your desire or slow and passionate like meaningful poetry.


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