Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Understanding SEX (Love Gurus Perspective)

When is it safe to have SEX?
Are there any rules in SEX?
What is safe SEX?

    Questions like these are often brought up when SEX is the topic, now we will see different perspectives of our all famous LOVE Gurus and what they have to say, i have come up with these questions and have asked all the love gurus in private of what they think about it.
    The answers they give will either help you in understanding sex and how it works, 
or wont mean a thing. its up to you to decide, will you take on board what they have to say 
or you'll figure it out yourself!! please feel free to leave a comment on what you think should be the answer to my questions or if you agree with any of the answers given.

The Following Are the Answers the Love Gurus Have Given

Rose Scarano 
When is it safe to have sex??
In my opinion it is safe to have sex when you are old enough and responsible enough to know the consequences and be able to handle them. I don't agree with all these young tweens (i think that's what they call young teenagers, yeah??) having sex whether its protected or not because they don't understand what they are doing... Not being aware of the results it lands them in big and harsh life changing decisions.. So as I said before, I believe it's safe to have sex when you are old enough and responsible enough to know and handle all the consequences and results that may result from it.

Are there any rules in sex??
I think that if you are not committed to someone then the only rule I believe in is using protection.

What is safe sex?
Safe sex is taking precautions. It is using protection to minimise the risk of falling pregnant and catching any sexually transmitted infections (sti's) and sexually transmitted diseases (std's).

Daniel Devito
Are there any rules in sex?
In, out, in, out? Don't use your teeth? Nah but honestly, conditions to sex would have to vary upon each relationship and couple. What some couples might see as okay and fun, might not be okay or at the least fun, to another couple. This goes back to what your partner would be comfortable with and should be something that is discussed as a couple, earlier or if your daring, during. But if you are the type of couple where you are comfortable with anything, then I guess there would be no rules, and it is recommended to use a "safety word"... And agree on that safety word BEFOREHAND. 

What is safe sex?
She didn't use her teeth...? She didn't read up on sex in a COSMO or CLEO magazine (they recommend some seriously weird crap)...
On a serious note, any "sex" where there is any 'fluid' contact is considered unsafe because of the transmission of STI's... I guess the safest sex would be with protection which would prevent fluid contact... And if you are within the 10km radius of her parents, then NO SEX IS SAFE...

Jaskaran Singh
when is it safe to have SEX?
when you have a condom (Y)

Are there any rules in SEX? 
depends on the people who are having sex i guess.

what is safe SEX?
safe sex is making sure that STI's are not transmitted during sex 


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Importance of Sex

The physical aspect of a relationship is just as important as the emotional aspect. In order to become intimate with your loved one, affection is a must. It is important not to come on too strong or to pressure her otherwise you risk looking like a sleaze or an insensitive jerk. With the right selection of words and actions, you will find that your partner is just as responsive to your desires and it will turn into a mutual affair. A lot of couples seem to put more importance on the sex rather than building a foundation for the relationship. This ends up in break ups and divorces as people are not able to connect at a higher level and find that their relationship was mainly based on the sex. However, if time is taken to get to know each other well enough, then sex can be very healthy for the couple as it brings lovers closer, releasing the hormone oxytocin a.k.a “the love hormone” allowing people to bond and build trust.

A friend of mine used a pretty cool analogy to describe sex:

Sex is like poetry, for poetry can be harsh, short and straight to the point or long winding and elegant, with the meaning drawn out along a series of notions. Sex can be quick to fulfill your desire or slow and passionate like meaningful poetry.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Relationships - A New Perspective

As Rose has already touched on, relationships do come in many shapes and forms, although the most significant and possibly the strongest, will be the relationship you have with that one special person. I am in a relationship, so this perspective comes from someone who has been both single and in a long term relationship (relatively long term)... But some of the best advice I have ever been given on relationships was from a friend of mine, who was in a relationship a few months before I was. He said simply, “Having a girlfriend [partner] gives you some of the best feelings you will ever feel, but at a flick of a light switch, it can also give you the worst feelings you will ever feel”.
Now that I’ve found myself in a serious relationship, I could not agree more with my friend. I can very much say that most of the times when I’m with my girlfriend, I am at my absolute happiest and it feels like nothing could bring me down... Except with that same token, there are those times where you feel as though you just hit rock bottom.
My point is simply this. A serious relationship is very much about accepting the bad with the good times. This may be a very arguable comment, but I personally do not believe a perfect relationship exists with no bad times. A perfect relationship (to me), is a relationship which triumphs over every bad time and cherishes the good times.

-- Daniel

Friday, September 24, 2010


Relationships come in many shapes and forms whether it be the relationship between family members, friends and even spiritual, but the most important one that I would like to talk about is an intimate relationship. Intimate relationships consist of the people that we are attracted to, whom we like and love, romantic and sexual relationships, and those whom we marry and provide and receive emotional and personal support from.

In my experience I have heard immature and stupid lines that many young boys say that are "Bro's before Hoe's", "All girls drive you crazy and they're all the same." BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! So untrue and juvenile. Not all girls are the same and girl's are not hoes. A relationship is about trust, respect and compromise, as well as many other things. Without these it is very hard to have a healthy and long relationship.

Now to those who don't believe in or like relationships believe that being single is a much better way to live life. Unfortunately, some people never do have the pleasure of finding a special person to fall in love with, to have that special bond and the willingness to devote and spend their life with that certain someone.
An an ongoing question that I have been asked numerous times is, Is it better to be Single or In a Relationship?? This question will be answered in later posts.

Other things to look forward to later on are what makes the perfect relationship? What makes a relationship happy and healthy?

Enjoy reading


Friday, September 17, 2010

What is Love?

The word ‘love’ gets thrown around a lot these days. It’s somewhat sad, especially when considering how powerful the word “love” is meant to be. Everybody wants to find that special someone... That someone who means the world to you and you know you mean the world to them. Someone who is constantly on your mind and almost everything reminds you of them... But what exactly is love? Let’s see what defines love as:

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual intercourse; copulation.
4. affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
5. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.

Well, looking at this, there are lots of meanings of love. Many of these definitions are more so relevant to loving someone, rather than being IN LOVE with someone. There is a difference between the two, something this blog will cover in later posts. Another topic of discussion which will be discussed is sex... Is sex really love? defines sex as “love” although is no love guru. Thankfully we are here to shed some light on this.
Sadly enough, there is no definite definition of love. Even us “love gurus” are not experts in love, as no-one is. Love is unique to everyone. We can however, provide you with insight into what our definitions of love are, how we think relationships work (or should work), how you know whether you actually are in love and how to find that special someone for our singles out there!
Male or female, single or whipped, this blog has something for everyone... Just a thought, for all you females out there reading this, you’re wasting valuable kitchen time. Note, if you do not see a post from me within the next 2 weeks, my girlfriend read this... Call 000. Now.

  --  Daniel

Thursday, September 16, 2010

This Is For You

What is it that we need in a relationship? 
They say Love,
They say Trust,
They say Sex,
Now which of the three is the key?
Or is there even a key to having a good relationship?
Stay tuned in and read the upcoming blog posts,
as we talk about  Love, Sex, and Relationships!!

- Emmanuel

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Design Blog Post

In this post each member of the group will explain why we chose the logo we chose, why we picked those colours, the tags on each post and of course, the layout.

Firstly the logo:

This Logo was made simple and very informative, so users or viewers of the blog, have a front view of what we are trying to portray, we are Love Gurus and we are here to help them deal with issues of the hear, or just relationship issues in general. Just as the logo shows a heart in the word love, we will try to accomplish a positive perspective that the user will see just by looking at the logo. - Emmanuel

Secondly the colours and/or background,

The background colour black with pink/purple swirls was chosen firstly because everyone in my group liked it and agreed it suited the topic of our blog, Love, Sex and Relationships which are sometimes dark but always have a colourful lining around it. Also, because it acts as a blank canvas where you are able to post pictures and text in different colours where it will stand out. - Rose

Thirdly tags/labels,

Tags or labels are topics or categories that are created by us to describe the blog post. They give readers a better way to find material that they are interested in on the blog. Relevant tags have been used to allow readers to zero in on information relevant to them making the blog much more user-friendly. - Jaskaran

Lastly the layout,

The layout chosen was a blogger template, chosen for its dynamic and easy to view content placements. The blog content is in the middle of the page with respective archives on the right hand side and on the left hand side, links to the profile. The layout places a large focus and emphasis on the blog content, centering it in the browser. The layout allows for an easy to read display, but also allows the user to navigate around the blog with ease, as the respective columns contain links which are in plain sight. - Daniel

Thanks, we hope your enjoy our blog :)



The blog will utilise this template design throughout its duration: