Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Love can bring people some of the happiest and most exciting moments of their lives... although, one of the biggest pains felt in a relationship is jealousy. It’s an emotion that almost all couples will feel at least once in a relationship. It may very well be a passing feeling, ranging from something as small as noticing your partner staring at a celebrity for just that slight bit longer than you would have wanted, or the stronger empty and painful feeling when your partner’s “ex” re-emerges from nowhere...

Now I won’t lie, I’m human and I’ve definitely felt the ‘little green monster’ sitting my shoulder (thankyou Taylor Lautner for that one)... But what I have learnt in my experience is that jealousy is truly a pointless emotion. Being jealous of someone else serves no purpose and only causes unneeded emotional distress and torment. Being jealous of another person, either for their physical appearance, personal belongings etc often causes insecurity within oneself.

If you are in a relationship, and you are starting to feel the green monster on your shoulder, think to yourself, my partner is with me because they want to be! If they didn’t want to be with you, they wouldn’t! So don’t worry if your girlfriend stares at Taylor Lautner for a little too long, at the end of the day, you got the girl of your dreams, he doesn’t. Take that Lautner...

Me 1 – Lautner 0

- Daniel

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