Tuesday, October 5, 2010


LOVE is a feeling of intense desire and attraction towards a person
I LOVE YOU is a sentence that is said to affirm this 
WILL YOU MARRY ME is said when there is want of taking a relationship to the next level

In a boy and girl relationship, where two people connect, relate, and understand each other;

LOVE is formed
LOVE is felt
LOVE is given

The feeling of being loved or loving someone else is often re-affirmed by the phrase I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU isn't just a phrase anyone would throw out 
I LOVE YOU is often partnered with intense desire and attraction
I LOVE YOU is a sentence that is meant to be said from the heart

As a relationship of two beings progress, they become deeply in love with each other
They understand each other strengths and weaknesses, ups and downs, joys and sorrows
They want to keep their partner happy, they do everything to please them, care for them, love them
Understanding this, then leads to the big question WILL YOU MARRY ME

WILL YOU MARRY ME is a beginning with no ending
WILL YOU MARRY ME is a lifetime of ups and downs
WILL YOU MARRY ME is a point of no return

After this is asked to a partner, one must understand that this phrase comes with great responsibility
One must come to an understanding that will you marry me means more than just a question
Anticipating the answer is "yes" one must understand that it is a lifetime that they stay together
In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad,  in joy as well as in sorrow promising to love
each other unconditionally, to support each others goals,  to honor and respect, to laugh and cry and to cherish each other for as long as they both shall live.

- Emmanuel

the following video is an example of wedding proposal that no one should ever do again

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